;+ ; A function to get several data containers from an input file in one call. ; ;

It is more efficient to retrieve multiple data containers in one ; call. Because the global data buffers all contain a single data ; container, this function does not interact directly with the global ; buffers, as other data retrieval procedures do. Instead, it returns ; an array of data containers that must then be handled appropriately ; by the user. ; ;

Note that it is the responsibility of the caller to explicitly ; free the pointers used in this array of data containers. Simply use ; data_free as shown in the examples below. ; ;

The usual data selection operations can be specified in this ; function. ; ;

There is no protection against running out of memory. If ; one does not carefully select the data to be fetched or even avoids ; specifying any arguments to getchunk, all of the data that matches ; that selection (which might be all of the data in the file) will be ; read from disk into memory. That might be more memory than you have ; and this procedure does not protect you against that. Use this ; function carefully. ; ;

; Flags (set via flag) can be selectively applied or ignored using the useflag ; and skipflag keywords. Only one of those two keywords can be used ; at a time (it is an error to use both at the same time). Both can ; be either a boolean (/useflag or /skipflag) or an array of strings. ; The default is /useflag, meaning that all flag rules that have been ; previously set are applied when the data is fetched from disk, ; blanking any data as described by each rule. If /skipflag is set, ; then all of the flag rules associated with this data are ignored and ; no data will be blanked when fetched from disk (it may still contain ; blanked values if the actual values in the disk file have already ; been blanked by some other process). If useflag is a string or ; array of strings, then only those flag rules having the same ; idstring value are used to blank the data. If skipflag is a string ; or array of strings, then all flag rules except those with the same ; idstring value are used to blank the data. ; ; @keyword count {out}{optional}{type=integer} An output value giving the ; number of data containers actually returned. ; @keyword keep {in}{optional}{type=boolean} When set, the data are ; fetched from the output file. ; @keyword useflag {in}{optional}{type=boolean or string}{default=true} ; Apply all or just some of the flag rules? ; @keyword skipflag {in}{optional}{type=boolean or string} Do not apply ; any or do not apply a few of the flag rules? ; @keyword indicies {out}{optional}{type=long} Array of index numbers, ; one for each spectrum retrieved. Returns -1 when no spectra were returned. ; @keyword _EXTRA {in}{optional}{type=extra keywords} These are ; selection parameters to specify which data to retrieve. See ; listcols for a ; complete list of the columns available. Also ;

see the discussion on "Select" in the User's Guide ; for a summary of selection syntax. ; ; @returns An array of data containers. If no data satisfy the ; selection criteria, count will be 0 and the returned value will be ; -1. ; ; @examples ; In the first example, we copy the input file to the keep file (currently only ; possible in line mode), one scan at a time. This would be done in a ; procedure, not at the command line, because of the loop. ; ;

;    scans=get_scan_numbers(/unique)
;    for i=0,(n_elements(scan)-1) do begin
;       a = getchunk(scan=scans[i])
;       putchunk, a
;       data_free, a
;    endfor
; ; In the next example, we average all of the data for a given scan. ; This example also shows that we have choosen to ignore any ; flags with idstring='wind'. This could be done at the command line ; because the loop is contained on a single line. ; ;
;    sclear
;    a = getchunk(scan=6000,count=count,skipflag='wind')
;    accum,dc=a[0]
;    for i=1,(count-1) do accum,dc=a[i]
;    ave
;    data_free,a
; ; @version $Id$ ;- function getchunk,count=count,keep=keep,useflag=useflag, skipflag=skipflag, indicies=indicies,_EXTRA=ex compile_opt idl2 count = 0 res = -1 if n_elements(useflag) gt 0 and n_elements(skipflag) gt 0 then begin message,'Flag and skipflag can not be used at the same time',/info return, res endif if keyword_set(keep) then begin if !g.lineoutio->is_data_loaded() then begin res = !g.lineoutio->get_spectra(count,indicies,useflag=useflag,skipflag=skipflag,$ _EXTRA=ex) endif else begin message,'No keep file is attached yet, use fileout',/info endelse endif else begin if !g.line then begin if !g.lineio->is_data_loaded() then begin res = !g.lineio->get_spectra(count,indicies,useflag=useflag,skipflag=skipflag,$ _EXTRA=ex) endif else begin message,'No line data is attached yet, use filein or dirin',/info endelse endif else begin if n_elements(useflag) gt 0 or n_elements(skipflag) gt 0 then $ message,'Flagging is not yet available for continuum data, ignoring flag-related keywords',/info if !g.contio->is_data_loaded() then begin res = !g.contio->get_continua(count,indicies,_EXTRA=ex) endif else begin message,'No continuum data is attached yet, use filein or dirin',/info endelse endelse endelse return, res end