;+ ; Function to return the value of a specific element of the stack. ; ; @param elem {in}{optional}{type=long integer} The index of ; the element to return. If elem is omitted, the entire contents of ; the stack up through (!g.acount-1) is returned as an array. ; @keyword count {out}{optional}{type=long integer} The number of ; elements returned (0, 1 or !g.acount). ; ; @returns -1 on error (out of limits), a warning message also ; appears. ; @examples ; ; A simple use of astack: ; ;
;    ; stack contains [ 10,  12,  14,  20,  25, 28] to begin
;    my_elem = astack(3)
;    ; my_elem contains the value 20
; ; A more substantive use. The following procedure averages all of ; the data from scans listed in the stack. ; ;
; pro myavg,_extra=extra
; freeze
; for i=0,!g.acount-1 do begin
;     getnod,astack(i),plnum=0,units='Jy',_extra=extra
;     accum
;     getnod,astack(i),plnum=1,units='Jy',_extra=extra
;     accum
; endfor
; ave
; unfreeze
; end
; ; In this example, select is used with astack to flag data using ; flagrec. This is useful if the data isn't easily described using ; the parameters available in the flag procedure. The end result here ; is that all of the data having a source equal to "Orion" and ; polarization equal to "RR" in IF number 3 is flagged from channel ; 500 through channel 520. ; ;
;   emptystack  ; clear the stack first
;   select, source='Orion', polarization='RR', ifnum=3 ; populate the stack
;   a = astack(count=count)
;   if count gt 0 then flagrec,a,bchan=500,echan=520,idstring='RFI-Orion'
; ; @version $Id$ ;- function astack, elem, count=count compile_opt idl2 count = 0 result = -1 if !g.acount le 0 then begin message,'The stack is empty',/info endif else begin if n_elements(elem) eq 0 then begin result = (*!g.astack)[0:(!g.acount-1)] count = !g.acount endif else begin if (elem lt 0 or elem ge !g.acount) then begin message, 'elem is out of bounds', /info endif else begin result = (*!g.astack)[elem] endelse endelse endelse return, result end