;+ ; Returns a vector of fluxes for a given vector of frequencies for ; standard calibrators. ; ;

Can also be used to generate fluxes for non-standard calibrators. ; ;

Note: If coeffs is given, then src and specindex are ignored. If ; specindex is given, then src is ignored. src is only used if both ; specindex and coeffs is not used. ; ;

Recognized source names are: 3C48, 3C123, 3C147, 3C161, 3C218, 3C227, ; 3C249.1, VIRA, 3C286, 3C295, 3C309.1, 3C348, 3C353, NGC7027. ; ;

Calibrator coefficients are from the Ott et all or Peng list of ; calibrators. ; ; @param src {in}{required}{type=string} source name. Must be one in ; the enclosed catalog. This is ignored if coeffs and specindex are ; provided. ; @param freq {in}{required} list of frequencies for which fluxes are ; required. ; @keyword coeffs {in}{optional} For a non standard calibrator, ; polynomial coefficients to use to determine the flux of a source. ; log(S) = coeff[0] + coeff[1]*log(freq) + coeff[2]*log(freq)^2 ; @keyword specindex {in}{optional} For a non standard calibrator, ; spectral index coefficients to use to determine the flux of a ; source. S = specindex[0] * (freq/specindex[1])^(specindex[2]) ; @returns a vector of fluxes at the given frequencies. ; ; @file_comments scalUtils is a collection of routines that return ; various quantities needed for calibration. Users will need to look ; over and maybe modify getTau and getFluxCalib before using any of ; the other scal or getVctr routines. Contact the contributor for ; additional details. ; ;

See also the scal User's Guide found in the ; documentation for scal.pro ; ;

Contributed By: Ron Maddalena, NRAO-GB ; ; @version $Id$ ;- function getFluxCalib, src, freq, coeffs=coeffs, specindex=specindex srcNames = ['3C48', '3C123', '3C147', '3C161', '3C218', '3C227', '3C249.1', 'VIRA', '3C286', '3C295', '3C309.1', '3C348', '3C353', 'NGC7027'] ; a = [2.465, 2.525, 2.806, 1.250, 4.729, 6.757, 2.537, 4.484, 0.956, 1.490, 2.617, 3.852, 3.148, -9.625592] ; b = [-0.004, 0.246, -0.140, 0.726, -1.025, -2.801, -0.565, -0.603, 0.584, 0.756, -0.437, -0.361, -0.157, 5.002555] ; c = [-0.1251, -0.1638, -0.1031, -0.2286, 0.0130, 0.2969, -0.0404, -0.0280, -0.1644, -0.2545, -0.0373, -0.1053, -0.0911, -0.6042999 ] a = [2.69116, 2.525, 2.806, 1.250, 4.729, 6.757, 2.537, 4.484, 0.956, 1.490, 2.617, 3.852, 3.148, -9.625592] b = [-0.124817, 0.246, -0.140, 0.726, -1.025, -2.801, -0.565, -0.603, 0.584, 0.756, -0.437, -0.361, -0.157, 5.002555] c = [-0.109415, -0.1638, -0.1031, -0.2286, 0.0130, 0.2969, -0.0404, -0.0280, -0.1644, -0.2545, -0.0373, -0.1053, -0.0911, -0.6042999 ] if (n_elements(coeffs) eq 0 and n_elements(specindex) eq 0) then begin ; Use the table coeffs n = n_elements(freq) i = where(srcNames eq strupcase(strtrim(src,2))) if i ge 0 then begin logfreq = alog10(freq) aa = replicate(a(i), n) bb = replicate(b(i), n) cc = replicate(c(i), n) ; print, 'E', 10^(aa + bb*logfreq + cc*logfreq*logfreq) return, 10^(aa + bb*logfreq + cc*logfreq*logfreq) endif if (n_elements(coeffs) eq 0) then begin print, src, " is not in the calibration table ... Using S = 1.0" return, replicate(1.0, n) endif endif if (n_elements(coeffs) ne 0) then begin ; Use the user-supplied coeffs logfreq = alog10(freq) flux = 0 for i=0, n_elements(coeffs)-1 do begin flux = flux + coeffs[i]*logfreq^i end return, 10^flux endif if (n_elements(specindex) ne 0) then begin ; Use the user-supplied spectral index, flux, and frequency return, specindex[0] * (freq/specindex[1])^(specindex[2]) endif end ;+ ; Returns a vector of aperture efficiencies. ; ;

Note: You cannot supply a surface rms without also ; supplying a long wavelength efficiency. ; ; @param freq {in}{required}{type=vector} list of frequencies in MHz for which an opacity is needed ; @param elev {in}{required}{type=float} elevation in degrees of the observation ; @keyword coeffs {in}{optional}{type=vector} coeffs[0] = the long wavelength efficiency (Default : 0.72) ; coeffs[1] = Surface rms in microns (Default : 184 microns) ; @returns vector of aperture efficiences at freq ; ; @examples ;

; a = getApEff(45.0, freqs) ; returns the PTCS  model for ap_eff
; a = getApEff(45.0, freqs, coeffs=[0.69]) ; uses 184 microns but a long-wavelength eff of 69% 
; a = getApEff(45.0, freqs, coeffs=[0.73, 250]) ; uses 250 microns and a long-wavelength eff of 73%
; ;- function getApEff, elev, freq, coeffs=coeffs ; Default is 72% efficiency at long wavelengths, a surface RMS of 184 microns eff_long=0.72 rms = 184 if (n_elements(coeffs) ge 1) then eff_long = coeffs[0] if (n_elements(coeffs) eq 2) then rms = coeffs[1] ; print, 'D', eff_long*exp(-(4.189e-8*rms*freq)^2) return, eff_long*exp(-(4.189e-8*rms*freq)^2) end ;+ ; Returns a vector of atmospheric zenith opacities. ; @param freqs {in}{required} list of frequencies in MHz for which an opacity is needed ; @keyword coeffs {in}{optional} polynomial coefficients tau = coeff[0] + coeff[1]*freq + coeff[2]*freq^2 + .... ; @returns vector of atmospheric zenith opacities at freqs ; ; @examples ;
; a = getTau(freqs, coeffs=[0.01]) ; an opacity that is constant with freq
; a = getTau(freqs, coeffs=[0.0234, 0.4567, 0.0045])
; ;- function getTau, freqs, coeffs=coeffs n = n_elements(freqs) if (n_elements(coeffs) eq 0) then return, replicate(0.0, n) tau = replicate(0.0, n) for i=0, n_elements(coeffs)-1 do begin tau = tau + coeffs[i]*freqs^i end ; print, 'C', tau return, tau end ;+ ; Estimate the airmass as a function of elevation in degrees. ; ; @param elev{in}{required}{float} elevation in degrees. ; @returns airmass ;- function AirMass, elev if (elev LT 39) then begin ; print, 'A', -0.023437 + 1.0140 / sin( (!pi/180.)*(elev + 5.1774 / (elev + 3.3543) ) ) return, -0.023437 + 1.0140 / sin( (!pi/180.)*(elev + 5.1774 / (elev + 3.3543) ) ) endif else begin ; print, 'B', 1./sin(!pi*elev/180.) return, 1./sin(!pi*elev/180.) endelse end ;+ ; Converts data in buffer 0 from Ta to Jy. ; ; @keyword tau {in}{required} atmospheric zenith opacity encoded as a ; vector. See the documentation for getTau for the format of the ; vector. ; @keyword ap_eff {in}{required} aperture efficiency encoded as a ; vector. See the documentation for getApEff for the format of the ; vector. ;- pro Ta2Flux, tau=tau, ap_eff=ap_eff elev=!g.s[0].elevation num_chan = n_elements(getdata(0)) freqs = chantofreq(!g.s[0],seq(0,num_chan-1))/1.e6 tauVctr = getTau(freqs, coeffs=tau) effVctr = getApEff(elev, freqs, coeffs=ap_eff) setdata, getdata(0) * exp(tauVctr*AirMass(elev))/(2.8 * effVctr ) !g.s[0].units = "Jy" end ;+ ; Calculates an estimate to Tatm from ground air temperature and ; frequencies. ; ;

Only appropriate for freqs < 50 GHz. ; ;

The results of Maddalena & Johnson (2005, Bulletin of the American Astronomical ; Society, Vol. 37, p.1438). The rms uncertainty in my model is 3.5 K ; ; @param freqs {in}{required}{type=float} list of frequencies in MHz ; for which an opacity is needed ; @param TempK {in}{required}{type=float} ground temperature in K ; ;- function quickTatm, freqs, TempK f = freqs/1000. A = 259.691860 - 1.66599001*f + 0.226962192*f^2 - 0.0100909636*f^3 + 0.00018402955*f^4 - 0.00000119516*f^5 B = 0.42557717 + 0.03393248*f + 0.000257983*f^2 - 0.0000653903*f^3 + 0.00000157104*f^4 - 0.00000001182*f^5 return, A + B*(TempK-273.15) end