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; This function determines an array of cal values to match the frequencies of ; the data. The cal values are taken from the astronomical files. ; This nees to be expanded to cover all receivers, check beam number, check pol, and check date. ; ;

Contributed By: Karen O'Neil, NRAO-GB ; ; @examples: ; calval=getcalval_arr(cal='hi') ; ; @keyword rcvr {in}{optional}{type=string} Receiver name (default is 'Rcvr1_2') ; @keyword cal {in}{optional}{type=string} 'hi' or 'lo' voltage fired for the cal (default is 'hi') ; @keyword ipol {in}{optional}{type=integer} The polarization to use. (default is -5) ; ; @version $Id$ ;- ; function getcalval_arr,rcvr=rcvr,cal=cal,ipol=ipol ; if not(keyword_set(rcvr)) then rcvr='Rcvr1_2' if not(keyword_set(cal)) then cal='hi' if not(keyword_set(ipol)) then ipol=-5 ; if (strtrim(rcvr,2) ne 'Rcvr1_2' and (ipol ne -5 or ipol ne -6)) then begin print,'I only handle L-band right with XX and YY polarizations now. Sorry.' &$ return,0 &$ endif ; file='L_Linear.txt' contribDir = getenv('GBT_IDL_DIR') + '/contrib/' fullPath = contribDir + file if not file_test(fullPath,/read) then begin print,'The L-band linear data file could not be found or is not readable.' return,0 endif ; openr,lun,fullPath,/get_lun i=0 j=0 pol=0 done=0 xdone=0 ydone=0 line='s' tcal=make_array(2,10000,value=0.0) while ((~EOF(lun)) and (done ne 1)) do begin readf,lun,line if (strmid(line,0,16) eq 'Measurement Date') then begin res=strsplit(line,/extract) month=res[2] date=res[3] yr=res[4] endif if (strmid(line,0,4) eq 'Beam') then begin res=strsplit(line,/extract) beam=fix(res[1]) endif if (strmid(line,0,4) eq 'Pola') then begin res=strsplit(line,/extract) stokes=res[1] ; convert polarization string into numbers if (strtrim(stokes,2) eq 'X') then pol=-5 if (strtrim(stokes,2) eq 'Y') then pol=-6 if (strtrim(stokes,2) eq 'XL') then pol=-2 if (strtrim(stokes,2) eq 'YR') then pol=-1 endif if (ipol eq pol) then begin if ((strmid(line,0,1) eq '1') or (strmid(line,0,1) eq '2') or $ (strmid(line,0,1) eq '3') or (strmid(line,0,1) eq '4') or $ (strmid(line,0,1) eq '5') or (strmid(line,0,1) eq '6') or $ (strmid(line,0,1) eq '7') or (strmid(line,0,1) eq '8') or $ (strmid(line,0,1) eq '9') or (strmid(line,0,1) eq '0')) then begin res=strsplit(line,/extract) tcal[0,i]=res[0] if (n_elements(res) ge 3) then if (cal eq 'lo') then tcal[1,i]=res[2] if (n_elements(res) ge 4) then if (cal eq 'hi') then tcal[1,i]=res[3] i=i+1 endif endif endwhile close,lun free_lun,lun ind=where(tcal[0,*] gt 0,count) calval=make_array(2,count) calval[0:1,*]=tcal[0:1,ind] ;convert frequencies to Hz calval[0,*]=calval[0,*]*1e9 ; return,calval end