;+ ;

; This program gets the system temperature, with frequency for a single scan which ; has both cal phases in it. The program looks at only one if, polarization, feed, ; etc. at time. It also assume that if the polarization hybrid is placed in the IF ; path the correct polarization ends up in the fits file (e.g. RR instead of XX). ; This idea has not yet been tested, to my knowledge, but it should be true. ; Note that is you do not give a caltype, the program assumes you used the high cal, ; which is preferred for this type of observation. If you did not fire the high ; cal (that is, the noise diode with high voltage), you must say so, as this information ; is NOT recorded in the sdfits files. ;


Contributed By: Karen O'Neil, NRAO-GB ; ; @param scan {in}{required}{type=integer} M&C scan number ; @keyword ifnum {in}{optional}{type=integer} IF number (starting with 0) ; @keyword intnum {in}{optional}{type=integer} Integration number (default=all} ; @keyword fdnum {in}{optional}{type=integer} feed number (default 0) ; @keyword caltype {in}{optional}{type=string} 'hi' or 'lo' voltage fired for the cal (default is 'hi') ; @keyword ifile {in}{optional}{type=string} the sdfits file from which the scan is taken. ; This is needed if there are more than one observations with the same scan number ; (e.g. if the dirin command was used) ; @keyword pol {in}{optional}{type=string}the polarization to use. Options are 'XX', ; 'YY', 'XY', 'YX', 'RR', 'LL', 'RL', 'LR' (default is 'XX') ; @keyword print {in}{optional}{type=string} print the system temperature result? (default is 'T') ; ; @version $Id$ ;- function gbt_tsys,scan,ifnum=ifnum,intnum=intnum,fdnum=fdnum,caltype=caltype,ifile=ifile,pol=pol,print=print compile_opt idl2 if (n_elements(scan) eq 0) then begin message, 'The scan number is required', /info return,0 endif if not !g.lineio->is_data_loaded() then begin message,'No line data is attached yet, use filein or dirin.',/info return,0 endif ; set defaults if n_elements(ifnum) eq 0 then ifnum = 0 if n_elements(fdnum) eq 0 then fdnum = 0 if not(keyword_set(ifile)) then ifile='default' if not(keyword_set(caltype)) then caltype='hi' if not(keyword_set(pol)) then pol='XX' if not(keyword_set(print)) then print='T' ; Check if scan number is valid if (ifile ne 'default') then validscans = get_scan_numbers(file=ifile) $ else validscans = get_scan_numbers() if total(validscans eq scan, /integer) gt 1 then $ message,"Warning: More than one scan with that scan number is in the data file.",/info if total(validscans eq scan, /integer) eq 0 then begin message,"That scan is not available.",/info return,0 end ; Check other parameters info = scan_info(scan) if info.procseqn ne 1 then begin if info.procseqn ne 2 then begin sSub = strcompress(string(info.procseqn),/remove_all) message,"More than two subscans in this procedure, at least :" + sSub, /info return,0 endif ;scan = scan-1 if total(validscans eq scan,/integer) gt 1 then $ message,"Warning: First scan in procedure appears more than once in the data file.",/info if total(validscans eq scan,/integer) eq 0 then begin message,"First scan in this procedure is missing.",/info return,0 end end if ifnum lt 0 or ifnum gt (info.n_ifs-1) then begin sifnum = strcompress(string(ifnum),/remove_all) snif = strcompress(string(info.n_ifs),/remove_all) message,"Illegal IF identifier: " + sifnum + ". This scan has " + snif + " IFs, zero-indexed.", /info return,0 endif if fdnum lt 0 or fdnum gt (info.n_feeds-1) then begin message,"Invalid feed: " + strcompress(string(fdnum),/remove_all) + $ ". This scan has " + strcompress(string(info.n_feeds),/remove_all) + " feeds, zero-indexed.",/info return,0 endif int=where(info.polarizations eq pol,count) if (count lt 1) then begin snpol = strcompress(string(info.polarizations),/remove_all) message, "Invalid polarization identifier: " + pol + ". This scan has only" + snpol + " polarizations.", /info return,0 endif thisfeed = info.feeds[fdnum] singleInt = n_elements(intnum) eq 1 expectedCount = singleInt ? 1 : info.n_integrations if singleInt then begin if intnum ge 0 and intnum le (info.n_integrations-1) then begin if (ifile ne 'default') then $ data = !g.lineio->get_spectra(count,scan=scan,feed=thisfeed,ifnum=ifnum,$ pol=pol,int=intnum,file=ifile) $ else data = !g.lineio->get_spectra(count,scan=scan,feed=thisfeed,ifnum=ifnum,$ pol=pol,int=intnum) endif else begin message,"Integration number out of range", /info return,0 endelse endif else begin if (ifile ne 'default') then data = !g.lineio->get_spectra(count,scan=scan,feed=thisfeed,ifnum=ifnum,pol=pol,file=ifile) $ else data = !g.lineio->get_spectra(count,scan=scan,feed=thisfeed,ifnum=ifnum,pol=pol) endelse if (count le 0) then begin message,"No data found, this should never happen, can not continue.",/info return,0 endif s1=where(data.scan_number eq scan and data.cal_state eq 0, countcaloff) s2=where(data.scan_number eq scan and data.cal_state eq 1, countcalon) if (countcaloff ne countcalon) then begin message,"Unexpected number of spectra retrieved for some or all of the switching phases, can not continue.",/info data_free, data return,0 endif ; copy first element into !g.s[0] as template to hold the result old_frozen = !g.frozen freeze set_data_container,data[0] if (countcaloff gt 1) then begin for i=0,countcaloff-1 do $ if (i eq 0) then caloff=getdcdata(data[s1[i]]) $ else caloff=caloff+getdcdata(data[s1[i]]) for i=0,countcalon-1 do $ if (i eq 0) then calon=getdcdata(data[s2[i]]) $ else calon=calon+getdcdata(data[s2[i]]) caloff=caloff/countcaloff calon=calon/countcalon endif else begin caloff=getdcdata(data[s1]) calon=getdcdata(data[s2]) endelse result=(calon-caloff)/caloff ; get the needed cal values chans=make_array(n_elements(calon),value=1) for i=0,n_elements(chans)-1 do chans[i]=i freq=chantofreq(data[s1[0]],chans) rcvr=strtrim(data[s1[0]].frontend,2) ; fit function to the result coef=chebfit_v2(freq,result,2,yfit=yfit,merr=errors) ; convert polarizations to numbers ipol=convert_pol(pol) calval=getcalval_arr(rcvr=rcvr,cal=caltype,ipol=ipol) cal=interpol(calval[1,*],calval[0,*],freq) ; make an array with the tsys & frequency results: tsys=make_array(2,n_elements(calon),value=0.0) tsys[0,*]=freq tsys[1,*]=cal/yfit if (print eq 'T' ) then $ print,"System Temperature for scan ",strtrim(string(scan),2),", polarization ",$ strtrim(pol,2),": ",strtrim(string(mean(tsys[1,*])),2)," K." data_free, data return,tsys end