;+ ; This procedure calibrates a single integration from a position switched scan pair. ;


Contributed By: Karen O'Neil, NRAO-GB ; @param s1 {in}{required}{type=structure} the data structure from the on or off source scan ; @param s2 {in}{required}{type=structure} the data structure from the on or off source scan ; @param tau {in}{optional}{type=float} tau at observation elevation ; @param tsys {in}{optional}{type=float} tsys at observation elevation ; @param ap_eff {in}{optional}{type=float} aperture efficiency ; @param smthoff {in}{optional}{type=integer} smooth factor for reference spectrum ; @param units {in}{optional}{type=string} takes the value 'Jy', 'Ta', or 'Ta*' ; same weight (1.0). ; @version $Id$ ; ;- pro dops_v2,s1,s2,tau,tsys,ap_eff,smthoff,units,ret_tsys,ret_tau compile_opt idl2 elevation = s1.elevation * !pi/180.0 nchans = n_elements(*s1.data_ptr) pct10 = nchans/10 pct90 = nchans - pct10 ; I assume whatever system temperature is given is correct and does not need to ; be corrected for atmosphere. if s2.procedure eq 'OnOff' then begin if smthoff gt 1 then off = smooth(*s2.data_ptr,smthoff) $ else off=*s2.data_ptr !g.s[0].tsys = tsys caldata = (*s1.data_ptr - off)/off * tsys endif else begin if smthoff gt 1 then off1 = smooth(*s1.data_ptr,smthoff) $ else off=*s1.data_ptr !g.s[0].tsys = tsys caldata = (*s2.data_ptr - off)/off * tsys endelse *!g.s[0].data_ptr = caldata if units eq 'Jy' or units eq 'Ta*' then begin ; apply opacity and spillover here correction = exp(tau/sin(elevation))*.99 ; this much is common to Ta* and Jy *!g.s[0].data_ptr *= correction if units eq 'Jy' then begin *!g.s[0].data_ptr /= (2.85 * ap_eff) endif endif !g.s[0].units = units ret_tsys = tsys ret_tau = tau/sin(elevation) end