The Green Bank Telescope

GBT 4mm Receiver Project Book

Chapter 7, Monitor Points

Author: Mark Whitehead

Rcvr68_92 Manager - Receiver Identification (RA 0x51)

Monitor Value Unit Monitor Rate
mcbID Integer TBD
serialNumber Integer TBD
modLevel Integer TBD

Rcvr68_92 Manager - Calibration System Status (RA 0x52)

Monitor Value Unit Monitor Rate Description
calSystemStatus (b0) Enumeration On state change Monitors the activity and state of the rotating table of the calibration system.
Possible states: "Observing", "Feed 1 views 15K, Feed 2 300K", "Feed 1 views 300K, Feed 2 15K", "In motion"

Rcvr68_92 Manager - Polarization Status (RA 0x53, b0-b1)

Monitor Value Unit Monitor Rate Description
polarizationStatus (b0) Enumeration On state change Monitors the polarization state.
b0 HIGH implies linear polarization; b1 HIGH implies circular polarization.
Both bits should never be set to one simultaneously.

Rcvr68_92 Manager - Cryogenic Amplifier (RA 0x0D - 0x24)

Monitor Value Unit Monitor Rate Description
xl1Stage56 Volts TBD RA 0x0D
xl1Stage234 Volts TBD RA 0x0E
xl1Stage1 Volts TBD RA 0x0F
yr1Stage56 Volts TBD RA 0x10
yr1Stage234 Volts TBD RA 0x11
yr1Stage1 Volts TBD RA 0x12
x2Stage56 Volts TBD RA 0x19
x2Stage234 Volts TBD RA 0x1A
x2Stage1 Volts TBD RA 0x1B
y2Stage56 Volts TBD RA 0x1C
y2Stage234 Volts TBD RA 0x1D
y2Stage1 Volts TBD RA 0x1E
Range: -20 to 0 Volts

Rcvr68_92 Manager - LED Voltages (RA 0x00 - 0x03)

Monitor Value Unit Monitor Rate Description
xl1LED Volts TBD RA 0x00
yr1LED Volts TBD RA 0x01
x2LED Volts TBD RA 0x02
y2LED Volts TBD RA 0x03
Range: 0 to 10 Volts

Rcvr68_92 Manager - Calibration System Temperature (RA 0x28)

Monitor Value Unit Monitor Rate Description
cal300KLoadTemp Kelvins TBD Range 0-360K

Rcvr68_92 Manager - Supply Volts (RA 0x9 - 0C)

Monitor Value Unit Monitor Rate Description
voltp5 Volts supplyMonitorRate 0x0B, 0-10V
voltp15 Volts supplyMonitorRate 0x09, 0-20V
voltn15 Volts supplyMonitorRate 0x0A, -20-0V
voltp28 Volts supplyMonitorRate 0x0C, 0-40V

Gregorian Receiver Base Class - Cryogenics Status (Already implemented.)

Monitor Value Unit Monitor Rate
Cryo Status Register monitor none cryoStatusMonitorRate

Gregorian Receiver Base Class - Cryogenics Status Bits (Already implemented.)

Monitor Value Unit Monitor Rate
Cryo Status bit 0 monitor None cryoStatusMonitorRate
Cryo Status bit 1 monitor None cryoStatusMonitorRate
Cryo Status bit 2 monitor None cryoStatusMonitorRate
Pump Request monitor - indicates Dewar needs pumping None cryoStatusMonitorRate
Dewar Heater voltage monitor None cryoStatusMonitorRate
Vacuum Valve Solenoid monitor - indicates valve open None cryoStatusMonitorRate
Refrigerator Manual/MCB Control monitor - M/C control of cryo enabled None cryoStatusMonitorRate
Integer representation of Cryo Status bits 0 to 2 None cryoStatusMonitorRate

Gregorian Receiver Base Class - Cryogenics State Control Monitor (Already implemented.)

Monitor Value Unit Monitor Rate
Cryo State Control readback: monitor rate set by cryoCtlMonitorRate None cryoStateCtlMonitor

Gregorian Receiver Base Class - Cryogenics (Already implemented.)

Monitor Value Unit Monitor Rate
Dewar 15K plate temperature Kelvins gregorianMonitorRate;
Dewar 50K plate temperature Kelvins gregorianMonitorRate
Dewar ambient temperature Kelvins gregorianMonitorRate
Dewar vacuum Volts gregorianMonitorRate
Pump vacuum Volts gregorianMonitorRate
Vac ion pump vacuum Volts gregorianMonitorRate
Cryo Control Readback None gregorianMonitorRate
Xfer Switch Control Readback None gregorianMonitorRate
Cryoamp Power Control Readback None gregorianMonitorRate
IF Filter Contorl Readback None gregorianMonitorRate
Cryo Status Register monitor None gregorianMonitorRate
Xfer and Noise Switch Register monitor None gregorianMonitorRate


The National Radio Astronomy Observatory is a facility of the National Science Foundation operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc.

Last updated 14 February 2011 by Mark Whitehead